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Ligonier Youth Baseball Softball Association

LYBSA Dog Policy

LYBSA Animal Policy - Dogs The Board of LYBSA implemented a no animal policy for LYBSA functions on April 14, 2015. Due to several situations that have arisen in prior years regarding animals, specifically dogs, 
attending practices/games and the potential for future altercations with children. What does this mean?

Darlington Fields - LYBSA owns the ground at the Darlington complex - Animals are no longer permitted outside of your vehicle once you go thru the main front gate at the
Darlington complex. The doors of the vehicle must remain closed. (can't have the animal lying in the back of a SUV or minivan with the hatch open) (can't have the animal out of the vehicle on a leash to go to the bathroom).

Donaldson Fields - No animals will be permitted within the perimeter fence of the Donaldson baseball complex - LYBSA has a lease with the borough regarding this area. Signs will be put up notifying individuals.

LCCC Fields - No animals will be permitted within the baseball field area - LYBSA has a lease with LCCC regarding this area.

Cook and Waterford - We request that no animals be around these 2 playing fields during any LYBSA functions. Please inform your guests/relatives/friends that may attend a LYBSA function of this policy. Managers: if you are made aware of a situation that is not in compliance with this policy,
please notify a board member.

LYBSA Tobacco Policy

LYBSA policy regarding tobacco products.  The league’s current approved policy that cover both tobacco and alcohol that was approved at the January 5, 2015.

You will note some of the new signage to help enforce this policy at the Donaldson and Darlington fields.

LYBSA owns the entire Darlington complex so as soon as you enter the main gate this policy is in effect.

LYBSA leases the Donaldson complex so as soon as you enter the fence area of the Donaldson field this policy is in effect.

LYBSA leases the LCCC field area so this applies to that field area as well.

LYBSA has been given permission to use the Waterford and Cook fields but we don’t have official leases – we simply ask for courtesy at these 2 fields to adhere to this policy as well.

Parking at Darlington Field

Parking at Darlington can be tight at certain times when there are activities taking place on all the fields at Darlington, especially on the baseball side.  Long-term the league is looking to increase the parking by adding space to the left of Darlington #2 field.

This season there have been times when people are parking in the Darlington Firehall parking area.  The Darlington Fire Department has asked the league to communicate that while they are okay with some parking in the gravel area below the firehall to please don’t park anywhere on the pavement area as this could potentially create a problem for them in the event of needing to respond to an emergency call to allow their responders a place to park quickly as well as to get their response vehicles out.
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